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"Discover the inner workings of the human body with our comprehensive Anatomy course, designed to deepen your understanding of the intricate systems and structures that make up our form."

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ANATOMY course provides an in-depth study of the structure and function of the human body including the major systems, organs, tissues, and cells. It is an essential course for students pursuing degrees in healthcare, exercise science, and other related fields. Students will learn about human anatomy through lectures, dissections, and interactive activities.

Key Highlights:

  • Introduction to anatomical terminology and body planes
  • Study of the skeletal system and its components
  • Understanding the muscular system and its functions
  • Exploring the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
  • Learning about the digestive and urinary systems
  • Gaining knowledge about the reproductive and endocrine systems

What you will learn:

  • Introduction to anatomical terminology and body planes
    Students will learn the basics of anatomical terminology, directional terms, and body planes. They will also learn how to identify anatomical locations of different structures within the human body.
  • Study of the skeletal system and its components
    Students will gain knowledge about the structure of bones, different bone types, and their functions. The course will cover the axial and appendicular skeleton, joints, and bones of the skull.
  • Understanding the muscular system and its functions
    Students will learn about the different types of muscles, their functions, and how they work with bones to allow movement. The course will cover the muscles of the head, neck, and back, as well as those of the upper and lower extremities.
  • Exploring the cardiovascular and respiratory systems
    Students will learn about the heart, blood vessels, and the circulatory system. They will also explore the respiratory system, including the lungs and air passages, and how they work to oxygenate the blood and remove waste products.
  • Learning about the digestive and urinary systems
    Students will gain an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the digestive system, including the mouth, stomach, intestines, and associated organs. They will also learn about the urinary system, including the kidneys, bladder, and urethra, and how they work to remove waste products from the body.
  • Gaining knowledge about the reproductive and endocrine systems
    Students will learn about the male and female reproductive systems, including the anatomy of the reproductive organs and the processes involved in reproduction. The course will also cover the endocrine system, including the glands and hormones that regulate bodily functions.

Course Curriculum

Start Now (9:00)
1.Shariropkramaniya Shaarira
Sharira & Shareera (15:00)
Shadanga (8:00)
Prathyanga (11:00)
Mrta Sarira Sodhana & modern concept of preservation & dissection (26:00)
Shareera sasthra vibhaga (3 pages)
Shareera sastra vibhaga (11:00)
Shareera Njana Prayojan (8:00)
Shareera njana prayojana (3 pages)
constitution of Purusha According To Dhatu Bheda , karma purusha (22:00)
constitution of Purusha According To Dhatu Bheda , karma purusha (6 pages)
panchabhautikatvam, trigunatmakatvam (10:00)
tridoshamayatvam and doshadhatumala-mulakatvam (5:00)
panchabhauthikathwam (4 pages)
2.Paribhasha Shaarira
Paribhasha Shareera Kurcha, kandara, jala, asthisanghat, seemanta,seevani, rajju,snayu and lasika part 1 (14:00)
Paribhasha Shareera Kurcha, kandara, jala, asthisanghat, seemanta,seevani, rajju,snayu and lasika part 2 (13:00)
Paribhasha shareera (7 pages)
3.Garbha Shaarira
Garbha definition (6:00)
garbha definition (4 pages)
Sukra (8:00)
Arthava (5:00)
Sukra & Arthava (4 pages)
Garbhadhana (2:00)
Garbhadhana (1 pages)
Role of Tridosha and Panchamahabhuta in fetal development (3:00)
Role of Tridosha and Panchamahabhuta in fetal development (1 pages)
Bija Bijabhaga & Bijabhagavayava (2:00)
Bija Bijabhaga & Bijabhagavayava (1 pages)
Linga Vinishchaya (5:00)
Linga Vinishchaya (1 pages)
Masanumasika Garbha Vridhi (17:00)
Masanumasika Garbha Vridhi (4 pages)
Garbhotpadakabhava (4:00)
Garbhotpadakabhava (2 pages)
Garbhavriddhikara bhava (2:00)
Garbhavriddhikara bhava (1 pages)
Garbhaposhana (2:00)
Garbhaposhana (1 pages)
Apara Nirmana (3:00)
Apara Nirmana (1 pages)
Nabhi Nadi (2:00)
Nabhi Nadi (1 pages)
Angaprathyanga Utpathi (4:00)
Angaprathyanga Utpathi (1 pages)
4.Pramana Shaarira
Part 1- Anguli Pramana (7:00)
Part 2- Importance of Anguli Pramana (6:00)
Pramana Shaarira (3 pages)
Asthi (13:00)
Asthi 1 (3 pages)
Asthi 2 (4 pages)
6.Sandhi Shaarira
Sandhi Shaarira (15:00)
Sandhi Shareera (16 pages)
7. Sira, Dhamani, Srotas Shaarira
Sira & Dhamani (7:00)
Sira & Dhamani (7 pages)
Srotas 1 (12:00)
Srotas 2 (13:00)
Srotas (5 pages)
8.Peshi Shaarira
Peshi (9:00)
Peshi (3 pages)
9. Koshtha Evam Ashaya Shaarira
Koshta & Ashaya (17:00)
Koshta & Ashaya (2 pages)
10. Kalaa Shaarira
Kalaa: definition and types (14:00)
Kalaa: definition and types (3 pages)
11. Uttamangiya Shaarira
Uttamangiya Shaarira (18:00)
Uttamangiya Shaarira (3 pages)
12. Marma Shaarira
Part 1 (9:00)
Part 1 (2 pages)
Part 2 (13:00)
Part 2 (2 pages)
Part 3 (12:00)
Part 4- Sadyopranahara Marma (15:00)
Part 5- Kalantarapranahara Marma (15:00)
Part 6- Visalyaghna Marma (4:00)
Part 7- Vaikalyakara Marma (6:00)
Part 8- Rujakara Marma (4:00)
Part 9- Marma Pramana, Trimarma, Koshta Marma (14:00)
Marma sarira (13 pages)
13. Indriya Shaarira
Indriya (7:00)
Indriya (4 pages)
1. Definition and branches of anatomy
Definition and branches of anatomy (13:00)
Definition and branches of anatomy (6 pages)
2.Anatomical Terminologies
Anatomical Position (7:00)
Anatomical Terminologies (5:00)
Anatomical Terminologies 1 (6 pages)
Anatomical Terminologies 2 (8 pages)
Anatomical Terminologies 3 (4 pages)
Anatomical Terminologies 4 (7 pages)
Definitions and branches of embryology (3:00)
Definitions and branches of embryology (4 pages)
Embryo and foetus (3:00)
Embryo and foetus (1 pages)
Sperm & Ovum (5:00)
Fertilization (6:00)
Cleavage (3:00)
cleavage (3 pages)
Germ layer formation and their derivatives (8:00)
Germ layer formation and their derivatives (4 pages)
Law of hereditary (1 pages)
Sex Determination and differenciation (4:00)
Sex Determination and differenciation (2 pages)
Month Wise Fetal Development (18:00)
Month Wise Fetal Development (10 pages)
Fetal Circulation (16:00)
Fetal Circulation (6 pages)
Placenta formation (8:00)
Placenta formation (9 pages)
Umbulical Cord formation (12:00)
umbilical cord formation (8 pages)
Skeletal system Introduction (8 pages)
Osteology Definition (1 pages)
Ossification (6:00)
Ossification (3 pages)
Structure Of Bone (5:00)
Structure of bone (3 pages)
Definition And Classification Of Bones (8:00)
Definition and Classification of bones (4 pages)
Cranial Bones (15:00)
Cranial bones (7 pages)
Clavicle (8:00)
Clavicle (4 pages)
scapula (3 pages)
Humerus Part 1 (9:00)
Humerus Part 2 (9:00)
Humerus (7 pages)
Radius & Ulna (8:00)
Radius (3 pages)
ulna (3 pages)
Carpels,Metacarpels,Phalanges (9:00)
metacarpal bone and phalanges (2 pages)
Ribs (12:00)
Ribs (8 pages)
Sternum (9:00)
Sternum (4 pages)
Vertebral Column (13:00)
Vertebrae (7 pages)
Sacrum (7:00)
Sacrum (4 pages)
Coccyx (1:00)
Coccyx (2 pages)
Pelvis (8:00)
Pelvis (5 pages)
Hip Bone (20:00)
Hip bone (8 pages)
Femur Part 1 (13:00)
Femur Part 2 (8:00)
Femur (12 pages)
patella (2 pages)
Tibia (9:00)
Tibia (5 pages)
Fibula (10:00)
Fibula (5 pages)
Bones of the Foot (7:00)
Bones of the Foot (4 pages)
Joints: Definition, structure types and movements (9:00)
Joints: Definition, structure types and movement (9 pages)
Fibrous Joint (5:00)
fibrous joint (5 pages)
Cartilaginous Joint (4:00)
cartilaginous joint (3 pages)
Synovial Joint (12:00)
synovial joint (13 pages)
Sternoclavicular Joint (6:00)
sternoclavicular joint (9 pages)
acromioclavicular joint (8 pages)
shoulder joint (10 pages)
Elbow Joint (15:00)
Elbow joint (5 pages)
wrist joint (9 pages)
joint of hand (2 pages)
Hip Joint (9:00)
Hip joint (5 pages)
Knee Joint (13:00)
knee joint (4 pages)
Tibiofibular Joint (2 pages)
Ankle Joint (10:00)
Ankle Joint (6 pages)
joints of foot (2 pages)
Vertebral Joints (10 pages)
Temporomandibular Joint (7:00)
Temporomandibular Joint (10 pages)
6. Cardiovascular system
Definition, types and structure of arteries (16:00)
Definition, types and structure of veins (18:00)
Heart (8:00)
Heart (9 pages)
Blood Supply Of Heart (15:00)
Right Atrium (9:00)
Right Venricle (8:00)
Left artium & Left Ventricle (7:00)
Features of atrium (2 pages)
Right and Left Coronary Artery (14:00)
Valves Of Heart (9:00)
Conducting System Of Heart (12:00)
conducting system of heart (2 pages)
Pericardium (9:00)
pericardium (4 pages)
Aorta (5 pages)
tibial artery (3 pages)
popliteal artery (3 pages)
commom iliac artery (3 pages)
femoral artery (2 pages)
ulnar artery (2 pages)
radial artery (2 pages)
brachial artery (2 pages)
axillary artery (3 pages)
subclavian artery (2 pages)
common carotid artery (3 pages)
Major Veins (4 pages)
superior vena cava
Inferior Venacava (1 pages)
Portal Venous System (2 pages)
Lymphatic System (8:00)
Lymph (4:00)
Lymphatic system (8 pages)
thoracic duct (2 pages)
8. Myology
Muscles of Pectoral region (Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor) (7:00)
Muscles of pectoral region (Pectoralis Major, Pectoralis Minor) (2 pages)
Sternocleidomastoid (4:00)
Sternocleidomastoid (2 pages)
Rotator Cuff Muscles (5:00)
Rotator Cuff Muscles- Supraspinatus (2 pages)
Rotator Cuff Muscles- Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Subscapularis (5 pages)
Deltoid (8:00)
Deltoid (2 pages)
Teres Major (1:00)
Teres Major (2 pages)
Trapezius (9:00)
Trapezius (4 pages)
Muscles of Anterior compartment of arm
Brachialis, Coracobrachialis (4:00)
Biceps Brachii (5:00)
Brachialis, Coracobrachialis, Biceps Brachii (5 pages)
muscles of anterior abdominal wall (2 pages)
Muscles of anterior compartment of thigh
Sartorius (4:00)
Sartorius (2 pages)
Rectus Femoris (4:00)
Rectus Femoris (2 pages)
Vastus Lateralis, Medialis, And Intermedius (3:00)
Thigh muscles (5 pages)
structure and type of muscles (7 pages)
Muscles of mastication, Muscles of tongue, Extraocular Muscles (6:00)
Muscles of mastication, Muscles of tongue, Extraocular Muscles (4 pages)
Tibialis Anterior (2:00)
Calf Muscles (5:00)
Tibialis anterior, calf muscles (5 pages)
Hamstring Muscles (8:00)
Hamstring Muscles (7 pages)
Tensor fascia lata (2 pages)
Muscles of posterior abdominal wall (8:00)
Muscles of posterior abdominal wall (6 pages)
Muscles Of Gluteal Region (7:00)
Muscles of Gluteal region (5 pages)
musles of arm (2 pages)
Popliteal Fossa And Femoral Triangle (9:00)
Muscles of Axilla (4:00)
Cubital Fossa (5:00)
Muscles of Axilla, Cubital fossa, Popliteal fossa, Femoral triangle (18 pages)
latissimus dorsi (2 pages)
1. Respiratory System
Introduction To Respiratory System 1 (3:00)
Introduction To Respiratory System 2 (7:00)
Anatomy of Nose (21:00)
Nasal Cavity (2 pages)
Lungs (14:00)
lungs (10 pages)
Bronchopulmonary Segments (6:00)
Bronchial tree (13:00)
Bronchial tree (14 pages)
Lateral Wall Of Nose (10:00)
Larynx (9:00)
Larynx (9 pages)
Pharynx (5:00)
Trachea (8:00)
Trachea (6 pages)
Pleura (8:00)
Anatomy Of Pleura (13:00)
Pleura (3 pages)
Diaphragm (13:00)
Diaphragm (9 pages)
LARYNX (5 pages)
Anatomy Of Mediastinum (10:00)
Anatomy Of Mediastinum (2 pages)
diaphragm (3 pages)
Anatomy of Pharynx (5 pages)
2. Digestive system
Oral Cavity (11:00)
Oral cavity (7 pages)
Salivary Glands (12:00)
Salivary glands (5 pages)
Pharynx (11:00)
Pharynx (5 pages)
Oesophagus (13:00)
Oesophagus (8 pages)
Stomach Part 1 (15:00)
Stomach Part 2 (10:00)
Stomach (14 pages)
Small intestine
Part 1 (11:00)
Part 2 (9:00)
Part 3 (10:00)
Small intestine (17 pages)
Large intestine
Part 1 (13:00)
Part 2 (13:00)
Part 3 (4:00)
Part 4 (15:00)
Part 5 (4:00)
Large intestine (22 pages)
Part 1 (9:00)
Part 2 (15:00)
Part 3 (4:00)
Part 4 (16:00)
Liver (17 pages)
Extra Hepatic Biliary Apparatus
Part 1- Hepatic Duct, Common Hepatic Duct, Gall Bladder (8:00)
Part 2- Cystic Duct, Bile Duct (9:00)
Part 3- Sphincters Related To Bile And Pancreatic Duct
Part 4 (9:00)
Part 5
Extra hepatic biliary apparatus (6 pages)
Part 1 (10:00)
Part 2 (6:00)
Spleen (11 pages)
Pancreas (11:00)
Anatomy of Pancreas (17 pages)
Peritoneum (6:00)
Peritoneum (6 pages)
Folds Of Peritoneum
Part 1- Greater Omentum (4:00)
Part 2- Lesser Omentum, Epiploic Foramen (8:00)
Part 3 (5:00)
Part 4 (8:00)
Greater and Lesser omentum (4 pages)
Peritoneum- Mesentery
Part 1 (6:00)
Part 2 (5:00)
Peritoneum- Mesentery (2 pages)
3.Urinary System
Gross Anatomy of Kidney (11:00)
Gross Anatomy of Kidney (7 pages)
Anatomy Of Kidney (16:00)
Relations of the Kidneys (2 pages)
Gross anatomy of Urinary bladder (13:00)
Gross anatomy of Urinary bladder (9 pages)
Anatomy Of Urinary Bladder (19:00)
Gross Anatomy of Ureter (9:00)
Gross Anatomy of Ureter (7 pages)
Anatomy Of Ureter (15:00)
Male urethra (3 pages)
Female Urethra (3 pages)
Male And Female Urethra (9:00)
4.Reproductive System
Male Reproductive System (18:00)
penis (2 pages)
testis (1 pages)
spermatic cord (2 pages)
Anatomy Of Female Reproductive System (10:00)
female reproductive system (11 pages)
external genitalia (6 pages)
ligaments (3 pages)
Spermatogenesis (12:00)
Physiology Of Male Reproductive System (9:00)
Male Accessory sex organ
male reproductive system. (14 pages)
Thyroid Gland (12:00)
Pituitary Gland (31:00)
Para-thyroid gland
Para-thyroid gland (4 pages)
Thymus (4:00)
Thymus (4 pages)
Supra Renal Glands (7:00)
Supra Renal glands (3 pages)
6.Nervous System
Introduction to Brain Anatomy (3 pages)
Nervous System (8:00)
Nervous system (3 pages)
Divisions Of Brain (5:00)
Brain Stem (13:00)
Brainstem - Midbrain (3 pages)
Medulla (8:00)
Medulla - Brain stem (2 pages)
Pons (10:00)
Brain stem - Pons (2 pages)
Cerebellum (17:00)
Cerebellum (4 pages)
Cerebrum-1 (10:00)
Ventricular System (12:00)
Ventricular System and CSF (3 pages)
Lateral Ventricle (5:00)
Lateral ventricle (3 pages)
Third Ventricle (3:00)
Third ventricle (1 pages)
Fourth Ventricle (9:00)
Fourth Ventricle (3 pages)
Meninges (11:00)
Meninges (3 pages)
Blood Supply To Brain (11:00)
Blood Supply To The Brain (3 pages)
Internal structures of Cerebrum (4 pages)
External Features of Cerebrum (3 pages)
Autonomic Nervous System Introduction (3 pages)
Spinal Cord - External Anatomy (3 pages)
Spinal cord Meninges and Internal Structure (3 pages)
Diencephalon (13:00)
Diencephalon (5 pages)
Lumbar Plexus (2 pages)
Spinal Cord (9:00)
Spinal Nerves (8:00)
Spinal Nerves (2 pages)
ANS (15:00)
Brachial Plexus (8:00)
Internal Capsule-1 (6:00)
Introduction To Brain-1 (11:00)
Cranial Nerves (5:00)
Introduction to Cranial nerves (2 pages)
Basal Nuclei (9:00)
Basal Nuclei (1 pages)
Internal Capsule (1 pages)
Brachial plexus (1 pages)
Cranial Nerves 1-4 (11:00)
Cranial Nerves 1-4 (2 pages)
Cranial Nerves 5 (6:00)
Cranial Nerves 5 (1 pages)
Cranial Nerves 6-9 (11:00)
Cranial Nerves 6-9 (2 pages)
Cranial Nerves 10-12 (4:00)
Cranial Nerves 10-12 (2 pages)
Enteric Nerve System (9:00)
Enteric Nervous System (1 pages)
Lumbar Plexus (5:00)
Lumbar Plexus (1 pages)
Spinal Cord Internal Anatomy (14:00)
7. Sensory organs
Anatomy Of Eye (9:00)
Anatomy of Eye ( outer coat ) (5 pages)
Anatomy of Eye (Middle Coat) (11:00)
Anatomy of eye (Middle Coat) (2 pages)
Anatomy Of Eye (Innercoat ) (5:00)
Anatomy of Eye (Inner Coat) (3 pages)
Extra Ocular Muscles (6:00)
Extra ocular muscles (4 pages)
Aqueous Humor, Lens, Vitreous Humor (5:00)
Aqueous Humor, Lens, Vitreous Humor (4 pages)
Visual Pathway (10:00)
Visual Pathway (1 pages)
External Ear (12:00)
External ear (5 pages)
Middle Ear (11:00)
Middle Ear (7 pages)
Internal Ear (13:00)
Internal Ear (5 pages)
Auditory Pathway (11:00)
Auditory pathway (2 pages)
External Nose (6:00)
External Nose (4 pages)
Nasal Cavity (11:00)
Nasal Cavity (10 pages)
Paranasal Sinuses (9:00)
Paranasal Sinuses (7 pages)
Toungue (11:00)
Toungue (4 pages)
Skin (9:00)
Skin (8 pages)
8. Surface and radiological anatomy
Surface Anatomy Of Heart (7:00)
Surface Anatomy of Heart (2 pages)
Surface Anatomy Of Kidney (7:00)
surface anatomy of kidney (3 pages)
Pluera (6:00)
Pleura (2 pages)

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
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